Senin, 18 April 2011

we introduce the Shinsengumi cosplay team

Shinsengumi is cosplay team from Bandung Indonesia with

a first debut in the event UTA ITB
we have a goal to create a unique team cosplay
and has rules which must be obeyed by all members of the Shinsengumi

1. Brave crazy time together with the TEAM.
2. Always maintain kinship between the cosplayer.

3. Not spoiled.

4. Always save funds for the making of costumes.

5. Not easily hurt when joking.

6. Avoid embarrassment.

7. Present when there are get-togethers.

we are not there rules to win in a race cosplay, but make a cosplay contest for fun.

from the beginning starts now members only 7 people already have a member of 35people from various professions ranging from operators of cyber cafes, college, work,and are still in school ....

That's us .... if you look there are unique people who are not shameless frenzy incosplay event anywhere especially in Bandung it is us.

4 komentar:

minatoru kazuhiko... mengatakan...

naha eweh urang uy..?


acan engke eta mah crew aya ente... :D

co_puitis mengatakan...

syarat bwt jd member shinsen apa sich???

itachi mengatakan...

saya mau ikuttan dong ka

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